Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bipolar and Pregnant Special


I watched the BP and Pregnant special on Discovery Health last night.  It wasn't anything to write about.  It didn't help people understand Bipolar, it didn't have any new information and it didn't shed any light on Bipolar pregnancies.  Watch it if you like, but don't expect much.  For waiting for this since November, it was a dud. 

The women was DX after she had 2 children.  She is unemployed and so is her boyfriend.  They weren't preventing pregnancy and Woops, there they were.  So, two unemployed people get to have a baby and we're still waiting?  Sorry if that sounds bitter, but I am. 

I'll do another book review tomorrow. 

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Discovery Health...Bipolar Special

I'm Pregnant And...Bipolar is airing:
Feb 16, 9:30 pm
Feb 17, 12:30 am
Feb 20, 11:30 am

(Times are EST)

Check Discovery Health for your showing times and channel information. 

*Note to self, channel 105 for Discovery Health at my house.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pregnant in America

I watched a documentary called Pregnant in America today on-line.  It was very informative and made me think.  It's about hospital births, the cesarean rates increasing, risks of epidural, dangers of hospital births VS home births.  It was inspiring. 

I would love to give birth at home, but there are many factors involved that just make it out of reach for us right now.  The closest I can get is to stay home as long as possible, then drive to a local hospital, medication free (no pitocin, no epidural, no pain medication), with a midwife and doula and hopefully have a water birth. 

Did you know that the recommend percentage of cesarean births is not to exceed 15% but in the US, the rate is 30% or more?!  In one Florida hospital alone the rate is in the high 70's%.  Once nurse (who knew nothing of what she was talking about) had the nerve to say that the rate has been declining.  When, in fact, it has been rising. 

Did you know you're more likely to have a medicated birth if you are induced?  Did you know you are more likely to have a cesarean if you are induced?

I highly recommend watching Pregnant in America.  It's less than 2 hours long, and it will be an eye opening, amazing 2 hours.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler

If you wander into any TTC Board, you'll see the mention of Taking Charge of Your Fertility (Or TCOYF) over and over again.  Whenever a woman asks what's something she can do to improve her chances of getting pregnant, we all mention she should borrow this book from the library, or even better, buy her own copy. 

I read this way before we started TTC.  Probably in March/April of 2008.  I bought my own copy and it's one of the most valuable books I've read about TTC. 

The author, Toni Weschler, outlines charting your cycle (not as hard as you think), Basal Body Temping or BBT, Ovulation myths, Ovulation facts, etc.  It's well worth the read.  I honestly think every high school or college health class should make this book available to all females.  

I highly recommend this book to every woman, even if she is not TTC. 

Annovulatory? & Book Reviews

Not sure if this cycle is annovulatory or not?  Seems I might have O'd really late, or not at all.  The jury is still out on that one.

In the next week I am going to take some time to do some book reviews on books pertaining to Bipolar and Pregnancy and general pregnancy books.  I think all women should read some of them before getting pregnant and I think some women should read some of them and I think (in particular about 1 book) no one should read one of them.  Ha!

Tendonitis in my arms is flaring up, so forgive me if I actually don't get the reviews as soon as I want to. 

Thursday, January 7, 2010

CD 1 All Over Again...

Today is CD 1.  Right back at the beginning again :(.  This will be our 5th cycle trying.

We're trying to overcome a big hurdle.  My DH doesn't ejaculate every time we BD (or whether he's orally stimulated, or manually, etc.).  We went to see a Urologist, but he wasn't of much help.  So, we're going to see a Urologist who specializes in Male Infertility.  Our appointment is in late February, that is the soonest we could get in to see him.  It will be nice to get some answers.  When we see him, we'll be towards the end of our 6th cycle and I'll be in my 2WW.  If you'd like more information on this, email me and I can share it with you in a different place.  I want this blog to stay exclusive for Bipolar and Pregnancy.  But, I may start a Blog on our Infertility Struggles. 

A close friend today told me her doctors think she may have a mild form of Bipolar.  She came to me for help, which makes me feel good.  I've surrounded myself with so much information, it's nice to share it with someone.

Soon I will do book reviews on recent reads.  Please let me know if there is a book on pregnancy or Bipolar that you'd like to know about before purchasing.  I will do my best to do a review for you.

I missed the episode of I'm Bipolar and Pregnant on Discovery Health.  Did anyone see it?  I'm hoping for some repeats or Hulu episodes!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Discovery Health...I'm Pregnant And...

Discovery Health has a new series starting on December 1st.  It's called I'm Pregnant And...

The first two episodes they're documenting women that are pregnant and addicted (doesn't say what they're addicted to) and pregnant and homeless. 

But, the reason I'm posting this is because later on in the series they will be document women (or woman, not sure how many) who are Pregnant And Bipolar.  I am very much looking forward to this episode and I wish we had DV-R so I can watch it over and over!  But, I will let you all know when it airs and if it goes on Hulu. 

Friday, November 20, 2009

2nd Cycle

So I'm in my second cycle of trying to conceive (TTC).  I am on cycle day (CD) 13.  I haven't started using the Ovulation Predictor Kit (OPK) yet because last cycle I didn't O (Ovulate) until CD 21.  So I will start taking them on CD 15.

Currently, I am reading a book called Understanding Your Moods When You're Expecting: Emotions, Mental Health, and Happiness-Before, During and After Pregnancy by Lucy, J. Puryear, M.D.  It is by a woman who is a psychiatrist that specializes in pregnancy and mental illness, postpartum mood disorders, depression during perimenpause and severe premenstrual syndrome.  Quite frankly, I wish there were a woman psychiatrist that specialized in pregnancy and mental health somewhere close to me that I could see during pregnancy and even right now instead of just a plain ol' psychiatrist.  :/  (Plus, it's a male psychiatrist who didn't listen to me when I was in the hospital after being Diagnosed). 

And, I have some good news!  There was a woman advertising that the first 2 couples to sign up for Doula care from her would get the services free!  So even though we're not pregnant yet, we're going to get FREE Birth Doula Services and Free Postpartum Doula services!  Yay!  The only thing I was worried about was how many people my hospital would allow for us to have in the room during delivery.  I called to find out and at any given time during the year, I will be allowed to have a max of 4 people.  But, I only want 3--my husband, my sister and my Doula.  I don't want to give her website because that can show where I live.  But, if you are interested in a great Doula, email me and I will tell you where she's located and give you her website link.